History of the Home


“History of the Home” is a captivating documentary series that delves into the rich and fascinating history of the home. Hosted by Dr. Lucy Worsley, chief curator of the Historic Royal Palaces, the series takes viewers on a journey through time, exploring the ever-shifting attitudes towards privacy, class, cleanliness, and technology.

Each episode of the series focuses on a specific room in the home, uncovering its hidden history and providing insight into the ways in which it has evolved over time. From the bedroom to the bathroom, the living room to the kitchen, the series provides a comprehensive and in-depth look at the history of the home.

One of the most striking aspects of the series is the level of research and access to historical information that Dr. Worsley was able to secure. The series offers a unique and engaging look at the history of the home, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of the ways in which it has evolved over time.

Overall, “History of the Home” is a must-watch for anyone interested in the history of the home. The series provides a captivating and informative look at the hidden histories of the home, leaving viewers with a newfound appreciation for the rich and fascinating history of the home.

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