It’s a Girl


In today’s world, the brutal reality is that girls in India, China, and various other regions are victims of infanticide, abortion, and abandonment solely due to their gender. The United Nations estimates a staggering 200 million girls are missing globally as a result of this “gendercide.” Even those who survive infancy are frequently neglected, and numerous grow up to experience extreme violence, including death by their own husbands or other family members. The war against girls has deep roots in centuries-old tradition and is perpetuated by ingrained cultural dynamics, in conjunction with government policies, that accelerate the elimination of girls.

Shot on location in India and China, the film “It’s A Girl” delves into this issue and poses the question of why this is happening and why little is being done to save girls and women. The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, women who endure extreme dowry-related violence, courageous mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and other mothers who would kill for a son.

The film is a heart-wrenching examination of the devastating effects of gendercide on not just individual girls and women, but on entire communities and societies. It is a call to action for individuals, governments, and organizations to take responsibility and work towards ending this tragedy.

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