Life on Earth – The First Forests


In this episode of the acclaimed nature series, David Attenborough takes us on a journey to explore the earliest forms of land vegetation and insects. The episode delves into the evolution of the first plants, which were mainly comprised of mosses and liverworts and used both sexual and asexual methods of reproduction to proliferate.

Descended from segmented sea creatures, millipedes were among the first to take advantage of land habitats and were quickly followed by other species. With the lack of water to carry eggs, bodily contact between sexes was now necessary, which posed a problem for hunters such as spiders and scorpions who developed courtship rituals to ensure the female didn’t eat the male.

The episode also explores the evolution of taller plants such as ferns and horsetails and the development of wings in insects to avoid climbing. The dragonfly and damselfly are highlighted as some of the most successful species, with the elaborate wingbeats of the damselfly shown slowed down 120 times. The episode also delves into the unique reproductive methods of plants such as the cycad and conifer and the role of insects in transporting pollen and spores.

The episode features stunning visuals of the giant sequoia of California, the largest living organism of any kind, growing up to 112 meters tall, and the use of resin by conifers to repair their trunk, which survives as amber and contains insect specimens that are 200 million years old. This episode of Life on Earth is a must-watch for anyone interested in learning about the natural world and the origins of land vegetation and insects.

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