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Locally Abundant

In the summer of 2011, two adventurous souls, Justin Cantafio and Ryan Oickle, embarked on an extraordinary journey that would take them across Canada and back in under four months. Departing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, their mission was to explore the heart of sustainable food production and distribution in a country heavily influenced by large-scale, unsustainable agricultural practices. Their travels were not merely a sightseeing endeavor, but an immersive experience, as they lived and volunteered on ten small-scale organic farms using Canada’s World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) network.

“Locally Abundant” chronicles their captivating journey, capturing the essence of their encounters with the dedicated individuals on the front lines of sustainable agriculture. As they became integral members of each farm they visited, Cantafio and Oickle documented their experiences through blog entries, data collection for the Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, and captivating footage. Their objective was twofold: to create an educational documentary that sheds light on the potential of small-scale organic agriculture as a viable alternative to industrialized conventional practices, and to pay tribute to the ten farms and hosts who made their journey possible.

Throughout their voyage, the duo sought to validate their hypothesis that small-scale organic agriculture not only offers a biophysically sustainable alternative to conventional methods, but also fosters happiness, health, and harmony among people, communities, and ecosystems. The resulting film is a testament to their unwavering commitment and a testament to the power of sustainable agriculture to transform lives and landscapes.

As the one-year anniversary of their journey approaches, Cantafio and Oickle can confidently declare that their hypothesis has been substantiated. “Locally Abundant” is not just a documentary they are proud of, but also a powerful tool for raising awareness, opening minds, and reestablishing connections between individuals and communities through the universal language of food.

The film encapsulates the breathtaking landscapes, the toil and dedication of farmers, and the profound sense of community found within each farm. It serves as an inspiring reminder of the potential for sustainable agriculture to nourish not only our bodies but also our spirits and the environment. By weaving together personal narratives, scientific insights, and stunning visuals, “Locally Abundant” invites viewers to embark on a transformative journey of their own, one that may reshape their relationship with food and ignite a passion for sustainable living.