Louis Theroux: Survivalists


Preparing for the worst is a mindset that has been adopted by many, and it takes many forms. For some, it means stocking up on supplies, for others it means forming communities, and for some, it means preparing for the end of the world. In “Survivalists,” Louis Theroux delves into the world of those who are preparing for a global catastrophe.

The episode takes us to Idaho, where Louis meets military enthusiasts and right-wing patriots who have formed communities around the idea of survivalism. He visits Safetrek, a survivalists’ store, and Almost Heaven, a mountain refuge for conspiracy theorists. Louis also visits the Aryan Nation Church and even helps to build a straw-bale home.

Throughout the episode, Louis spends time with groups of people who believe in and prepare for a ‘New World Order’, and the fact that several self-proclaimed survivalists were also hippies and environmentalists is a recurring theme. The focus is on families and groups, and it is an interesting and funny documentary that will make you question the way these communities think and act.

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