Most of the Universe is Missing


BBC’s Horizon delves into one of the greatest mysteries in modern science – the missing 96% of the universe. According to current understanding, only 4% of the universe is made of matter that we can observe and understand, while the remaining 96% is composed of dark matter and dark energy.

This documentary brings to light the latest findings and theories surrounding this mysterious phenomenon, as the world’s leading cosmologists attempt to explain the biggest problem in science today. It examines the concept of dark matter, a hypothetical form of matter that is thought to make up approximately 27% of the universe, and dark energy, a hypothetical form of energy that is thought to make up approximately 68% of the universe.

The documentary also explores the idea that Newton’s laws of gravity, which have been the foundation of modern physics for centuries, may not hold true on a cosmic scale. Some scientists propose that the laws of gravity need to be rewritten and that the missing matter could be explained by a theory of variable gravity.

This documentary offers a comprehensive look at the current state of understanding about the missing 96% of the universe, and the various theories and hypotheses that attempt to explain it. It serves as a reminder of the vastness and complexity of the universe and how much we have yet to discover and understand.

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