Occupy Wall Street


“Occupy Wall Street” is a documentary that delves into the grassroots movement that began in 2011 and quickly spread to cities around the world. The film highlights the efforts of activists to challenge the power and influence of major banks and corporations, and the role they played in causing the economic collapse of 2008.

The film provides a detailed look at the strategies and tactics used by the “Occupy” movement, including the use of consensus-based decision-making and the organization of “people’s assemblies.” The film also explores the movement’s inspiration from popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, and its goal of exposing the economic injustice experienced by the 99% of people not in the top 1% of the wealth.

The film’s website includes a quick guide on group dynamics in people’s assemblies, providing valuable information for those looking to take action in their own communities. The film is a powerful reminder of the potential of grassroots activism to effect real change and challenge the status quo.

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