One in a Million Trillion: An Interview with Rick Rosner


Meet Rick Rosner – a man of unwavering determination, a person who embodies the spirit of never giving up. Rick’s pursuit of excellence, and his unrelenting drive to get things right, have taken him on a journey that is both extraordinary and unique.

At the age of 34, Rick had accomplished what most people can only dream of. He had successfully gone back to high school not once, not twice, but four separate times, using a combination of fraudulent IDs, wigs, and prosthetics. He may be a bouncer, a nude model, and a cosmologist, but his commitment to repetition has made him a master of do-overs.

Rick’s pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement eventually led him to the popular television game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire. With his record-breaking IQ, Rick was confident in his abilities to secure a victory. Unfortunately, a single bad question ended up costing him the prize. But this defeat was not enough to deter Rick. He was driven to find the answer and spent two years analyzing every question in every version of the game.

His quest for answers and a desire to understand the universe led him to develop a theory of cosmology, in which the universe is seen as trillions of years old. Rick’s theory may be seen as unconventional, but his unwavering commitment to getting it right has taken him to the edge of sanity.

Rick’s story is a testament to the power of determination and the human spirit. He serves as an inspiration to us all, reminding us that nothing is impossible if we have the drive and determination to achieve it.

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