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Pagans – Sexy Beasts

In today’s modern world, it’s easy to forget the rich and varied history of ancient religions that still hold a significant place in many cultures around the world. ‘Pagans – Sexy Beasts’ offers a fascinating look at the origins, history, and beliefs of Europe’s pagan traditions.

The documentary explores the concept of paganism as a living tradition with deep roots in prehistory, rather than just a collection of superstitions and magic tricks. It delves into the representations of ancient gods and traditions, which have often been distorted by propaganda from other religious groups seeking to suppress those they saw as “wild barbarians.”

In truth, the term “pagan” is a Roman word meaning “country folk,” and the general concept of paganism is one of unity with nature and a quest for understanding of the world around us. ‘Pagans – Sexy Beasts’ offers a unique and illuminating look at these ancient traditions, and encourages viewers to consider the value of different belief systems in today’s world.

Whether you’re a history buff or simply interested in different cultures and belief systems, ‘Pagans – Sexy Beasts’ is sure to provide a wealth of information and food for thought.

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