Perfect Illusions


In the thought-provoking documentary, “Perfect Illusions,” viewers are confronted with the heartbreaking truth of eating disorders that plague countless individuals, particularly young women, across the United States. This hidden epidemic takes a lethal toll, often disguised by a deceptive facade of normalcy.

The film unravels the stories of young women battling eating disorders, giving voice to their struggles and shedding light on the immense challenges they face. Among them is Suni, a 16-year-old in the early stages of her fight against bulimia. We also meet Marya, who chronicled her 15-year battle with anorexia and bulimia in her book, “Wasted.” Additionally, Annie shares her experience of developing bulimia during a period of clinical depression in high school. Their journeys offer a glimpse into the complex and often torturous world of eating disorders.

Intertwined with the personal accounts, the documentary presents excerpts from the diary of Anna Westin, a young woman whose life was tragically cut short by anorexia. Anna’s haunting words provide a stark reminder of the anguish experienced by those trapped in the grip of these disorders.

“Perfect Illusions” not only focuses on the experiences of the individuals themselves but also highlights the immense strain placed on their families. The film explores the desperate efforts of parents to help their daughters, as they grapple with fear, confusion, and frustration. It delves into the traumatic impact that eating disorders have on the sufferers’ loved ones, as they navigate their own guilt and the challenges of providing support.

Through powerful storytelling and intimate interviews, “Perfect Illusions” aims to raise awareness and understanding of the profound impact of eating disorders. It unveils the harsh realities hidden behind the “perfect illusion” of normalcy, emphasizing the urgent need for compassion, education, and effective support systems for those affected by these devastating conditions.

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