Please Vote For Me


“Please Vote For Me” is a thought-provoking film that offers a unique perspective on democracy through the lens of a mini-experiment in Wuhan, China. This film follows a 3rd-grade class election for class monitor and showcases the competition among three 8-year-olds, abetted by teachers and parents.

The film provides an amusing look at the democratic voting process and highlights the challenges of democratization, not just in China but around the world. In China, elections only take place within the Communist Party, which restricts democratic choice and leaves citizens longing for more.

As the director, Weijun Chen, so poignantly writes, “As a Chinese citizen, democracy remains a deep and heartfelt longing.” This film invites viewers to delve deeper into the practice of democratization and the role it plays in our society.

Whether you’re a fan of politics, history, or just an admirer of thought-provoking films, “Please Vote For Me” is a must-watch. Get ready to be entertained and inspired by the power of democracy.”

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