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The huge and complex problems of today’s generation often install doubt and fear that everything is futile. Yet by analyzing how the power of our media, schooling and parenting have molded us, we can start to comprehend what we must adjust – our generation and our culture. Studies show that the average family spends around four hours a day in front of the TV. Internet and video games are not included. A huge portion of our lives we spend sitting in front of a screen. and guess what is shaping us? Targeting an age group of adolescents, their most important sector of the population, corporations propel themselves exclusively on the desire of our generation for material goods, resulting in creation of a never-ending pile of products which will be advertised, consumed and eventually disposed of. What about the consequences this may have on our planet? But with this ever-expanding consumption of goods, how too can this influence the integrity of our generation? Conformity is defined as a behavior in accordance with socially accepted conventions or standards. And looking at today’s generation, this means we’re living in a world where everything is infected with absolute homogeny. From advertising to commercialism, the media has played a crucial role in modeling our culture. Keep in mind the education system of our generation – what we are learning and who’s giving us the knowledge – and again the media has clouded another important institution. The loss of tradition and the doubtful views of today’s education, by both pupils and the teachers, is accompanied by an additional obstacle of huge class sizes, and a series of catastrophic policies which systematically underfund the education system. But recent surveys show that over 80% of sophomore students still expect to continue their education to a four year college or university. But, at what cost does this post-high school education come?