Sacred Weeds


Sacred Weeds is a thought-provoking documentary series that takes viewers on a journey through time, exploring the fascinating effects that hallucinogenic plants had on ancient societies. Produced by the BBC, the series investigates the rituals and practices of different cultures and their relationship with plants that were considered sacred.

The series is divided into six episodes, each focusing on a different plant and culture. The first episode explores the use of the blue lotus flower in Ancient Egypt, while the second episode delves into the effects of the fly agaric mushroom in Siberia. Other episodes cover the use of Salvia divinorum in Mexico, the opium poppy in Greece, the Syrian Rue in Iran, and the Datura plant in India.

One of the most interesting aspects of Sacred Weeds is how it showcases the different ways in which these plants were used. In some cultures, they were used for medicinal purposes, while in others, they were used for spiritual or religious ceremonies. The documentary explores the rituals and practices that surrounded the use of these plants, giving viewers a glimpse into the beliefs and traditions of ancient societies.

The series is not only a fascinating exploration of the effects that these plants had on ancient cultures, but it also raises questions about our own relationship with drugs and altered states of consciousness. As the series points out, many of the plants featured in the show are now illegal, and their use is often stigmatized or criminalized. This raises questions about the role that drugs play in our society and the way we view altered states of consciousness.

One of the most interesting episodes of the series is the one that explores the use of Salvia divinorum in Mexico. The plant is still legal in Mexico and is used by the Mazatec people in traditional healing ceremonies. The episode features interviews with Mazatec shamans and explores the way in which the plant is used to induce visions and altered states of consciousness.

Another standout episode is the one that focuses on the opium poppy in Greece. The episode explores the way in which opium was used in ancient Greece for medicinal purposes, but also how it was abused by some members of society. The episode raises questions about the way in which drugs are viewed in our society and the potential benefits and risks associated with their use.

Overall, Sacred Weeds is a fascinating and thought-provoking documentary series that explores the effects that hallucinogenic plants had on ancient societies. It’s a captivating journey through time that raises questions about our own relationship with drugs and altered states of consciousness.

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