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Shift: Beyond the Numbers of the Climate Crisis

The documentary “Shift: Beyond The Numbers of the Climate Crisis” directed by Sam and Kate Fulbright, delves into the human impact of climate change in the United States, providing a powerful and emotional look at the people and communities affected by this global problem.

The film takes a closer look at the numbers and graphs that often dominate the conversation around climate change and instead focuses on the real-life stories of those who are on the frontlines of the crisis. From farmers in the Midwest who are struggling with increasingly unpredictable weather patterns, to coastal communities who are facing rising sea levels, the film offers a deeply personal and relatable perspective on the challenges we are facing as a planet.

One of the most striking aspects of the film is the way it brings the abstract concept of climate change down to a human level, making it clear that this is not just an environmental issue, but a humanitarian one as well.

Through a series of compelling interviews and intimate vignettes, the film introduces us to individuals and families who have been directly impacted by the effects of climate change and shows us the ways in which they are fighting back and working to create a more sustainable future.

The film also examines the efforts of scientists, activists, and policymakers to address the problem of climate change, and provides an inspiring look at the progress that is being made in this critical area.

Overall, “Shift: Beyond The Numbers Of The Climate Crisis” is a thought-provoking and powerful film that offers a unique and compelling perspective on one of the most important issues of our time. It is a must-see for anyone who cares about the future of our planet and the people who call it home.