Soccer’s Lost Boys


Soccer’s Lost Boys is a documentary that delves into the darker side of football’s global popularity, revealing the disturbing reality of what has been dubbed “the new slave trade.” Correspondent Mariana van Zeller guides viewers through an in-depth exploration of the illicit trade of young football players, many of whom are lured from their homes with promises of stardom and a better life, only to find themselves trapped in a cycle of exploitation and abuse.

The film exposes the shadowy networks of agents, scouts, and coaches who prey on vulnerable young players, often from poverty-stricken backgrounds, with false promises of professional contracts and lucrative salaries. Through interviews with former players, experts, and law enforcement officials, the film paints a damning picture of an industry that profits from the exploitation of young talent, while turning a blind eye to the human cost.

One of the most striking aspects of Soccer’s Lost Boys is the sheer scale of the problem, with thousands of young players believed to be trapped in this exploitative system. The film also highlights the lack of accountability and regulation in the industry, with few mechanisms in place to protect players from abuse and exploitation.

Despite the sobering subject matter, Soccer’s Lost Boys is a compelling and thought-provoking film that raises important questions about the role of sport in society and the responsibilities of those involved in the industry. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in the sport, as well as for those concerned about human rights and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals.

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