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South Pacific: Strange Islands

The South Pacific islands are home to some of the most extraordinary and unique wildlife on the planet – from flightless parrots to burrowing bats, giant skinks, and kangaroos in trees. But as it turns out, island living can come with a high price. When new species arrive, the delicate balance of the ecosystem is disrupted, leading to the extinction of native species. But why do animals perfectly adapted to island life simply give up the ghost?

South Pacific: Strange Islands sets out to uncover the answers to this puzzle by showcasing the remarkable stories of some unlikely animals that have managed to survive on tiny islands off the coast of New Zealand. The human history of the region also plays a key role in understanding the challenges of island life and how it may never be far from catastrophe.

The series is a captivating exploration of evolution and survival, delving into the unique characteristics of the flora and fauna found on these remote islands. It’s a must-watch for anyone interested in the natural world and the intricate ways in which life adapts to its surroundings.

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