Srebrenica – A Cry from the Grave


“Srebrenica – A Cry From The Grave” is a poignant and harrowing documentary that delves into the heart-wrenching events surrounding the fall of Srebrenica during the Bosnian civil war in 1995. Drawing extensively from original video footage captured by individuals who were directly involved in the events, this documentary offers a raw and unfiltered perspective on the tragedy that unfolded.

The film opens a window into the past, allowing viewers to witness the unfolding of the Srebrenica tragedy through the eyes of those who experienced it firsthand. Through the lens of personal videos, the audience is transported to the heart of the conflict, gaining insight into the lives of those affected by the events that transpired.

The documentary sheds light on the human stories behind the headlines, capturing the fear, anguish, and resilience of individuals who found themselves caught in the midst of an escalating crisis. By incorporating authentic footage shot by people who were on the ground, the film provides an intimate and emotionally charged portrayal of the events that led to the fall of Srebrenica.

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