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In the quest to achieve optimal outcomes in healthcare and medicine, it is important to examine and understand the global impact of diseases, including those that have been overlooked or misunderstood. “Stigma” is a documentary that delves into this concept, following young filmmakers Jeff Johns and Ryan Lougridge as they travel the globe in search of answers as to why more hasn’t been done to completely eradicate leprosy.

Through India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam, the filmmakers talk to WHO doctors and aid workers, meet those affected in colonies, and try to understand why more isn’t being done to eradicate this ancient disease. The documentary provides an in-depth look into the current state of leprosy and the challenges that still exist in eradicating it. It also sheds light on the social stigma that surrounds the disease and the impact it has on those affected by it.

The documentary serves as an excellent example of how a focus on optimizing outcomes can lead to a better understanding of the global impact of diseases and the steps necessary to eradicate them.

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