Strange Days On Planet Earth: Invaders


National Geographic’s Strange Days on Planet Earth is a must-see documentary series that explores the perplexing transformations taking place on our planet. In the episode “Invaders,” viewers are taken on a journey around the world as scientists piece together the clues to understand the interconnectivity of seemingly unrelated events. From the vanishing forests in Yellowstone to the asthma epidemic in the Caribbean, Strange Days on Planet Earth reveals the startling ways in which our actions as humans affect the environment and ecosystems around us.

Hosted by actor and environmental activist Edward Norton, Strange Days on Planet Earth provides an innovative type of environmental awareness. Drawing on research from Earth System Science, the series highlights the cause-and-effect relationship between human activity and the impact on our planet. The urgency of the situation is made clear, and viewers are encouraged to consider what actions they can take to alter the course of events.

What makes “Invaders” and the Strange Days on Planet Earth series so compelling is the way in which it connects disparate phenomena and illustrates the swift and far-reaching changes taking place on our planet. It’s an eye-opening and thought-provoking journey that encourages us to take responsibility for the world we live in.

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