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Surprising Europe – Under pressure

The latest episode of “Surprising Europe” takes us on an eye-opening journey into the lives of African migrants in Europe. While many come in search of a better life, they face a myriad of challenges that are often kept hidden from view. In “Under Pressure,” we explore the heavy burden these migrants carry to earn money and send it back home, a responsibility that can sometimes drive them to the dark underworld of drugs and prostitution.

One of the most compelling stories we follow is that of Rose from Nigeria. She was promised a job as a cleaner in Italy but was instead forced to work as a prostitute. The harrowing details of her experience shed light on the exploitation and abuse that can occur in the shadows of society. Marie from Burkina Faso worked as a dancer in a nightclub for years before becoming a journalist and writing about the life she left behind. Her story reveals the difficult choices many migrants must make in order to survive in a foreign land.

But the struggle for survival is not limited to illegal activities. We also meet a young Gambian in Barcelona who feels he cannot earn a living legally and has no option but to sell drugs to support his family back home. The pressure to provide for loved ones in far-off lands can be overwhelming, and it can drive some people to take risks they would never consider otherwise.

The impact of these struggles is also felt in the migrants’ home countries. We visit the village of Beguedo in Burkina Faso, which is heavily financed by migrants working as fruit-pickers in Italy and sending money home. The stories of these migrants highlight the importance of their contributions to their families and communities, but also the heavy toll it takes on their mental and physical health.

As we join Baba from Ghana on his visit to the annual tomato fight in Bunol, Spain, we are reminded of the strange and unfamiliar traditions that exist in the countries where migrants now reside. The challenges of adapting to a new culture are often underestimated, and the impact on one’s mental health and well-being can be significant.

“Surprising Europe – Under Pressure” is a powerful reminder of the difficulties faced by African migrants in Europe. Through their personal stories, we gain a deeper understanding of the heavy burden they carry and the harsh realities of the dark underworld of drugs and prostitution. It is an important look at the challenges and struggles that many people face in their quest for a better life.