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In the heart of India, a silent and deadly contagion has been stealthily spreading its grip, casting a shadow of despair over the lives...

Hungry For Change

In the age of information, where countless diets and weight loss regimens flood the market, "Hungry for Change" emerges as a refreshing and eye-opening...

Conventions 2012: The Price of the Party

In the grand theater of American politics, where the spotlight shines brightest every four years, the Republican and Democratic National Conventions are the dazzling...

Battered And Bruised

"Battered And Bruised" is a sobering documentary that casts a piercing spotlight on the deeply troubling issue of domestic violence. In its unflinching exploration,...

Where The Wild Coffee Grows

Poured into a steaming mug, fragrantly awakening the senses, the humble cup of coffee transcends boundaries and cultures, an emblem of global unity in...

The Great Book Robbery

In the shadows of history, there are tales that often go untold. The Great Book Robbery unveils one such chapter, delving into a narrative...

Ida’s Choice

In the heart of Kuala Lumpur's infamous red light district, Chow Kit, a young woman named Ida battles against the odds to carve out...

Choosing the American President

As the dust settles on the electoral battlefield, President Obama emerges victorious, securing a second term in office. The culmination of this election unfolded...

The Dark Side

In the relentless pursuit of victory, the world of sports has been plagued by a dark and insidious phenomenon: doping. The documentary film "The...

Orthodox Corruption

Step into a transformative era as we explore the shifting dynamics between Russian political leaders and the Orthodox Church. In the not-so-distant past, the...
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