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Tag: beliefs

Spirit Science: Sacred Geometry Movie

Drunvalo Melchizedek, an author from the New Age movement, has called these figures symbols of sacred geometry, asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs,...

A Virus Called Fear

A Virus Called Fear explores the programming of fear, and how it distorts our perception of the world.

Voodoo Mysteries

In the heart of the Caribbean, amidst the lush landscapes and vibrant cultures, lies a world shrouded in mystery and reverence - the world...

Creation of the Universe

In the vast expanse of space and time, the story of the creation of the universe unfolds. "Creation of the Universe" takes viewers on...

Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity

In the thought-provoking documentary "Louis Theroux: Fundamentalist Christianity," the renowned journalist and filmmaker embarks on a captivating journey into the world of extreme religious...


"Rastamentary" is a captivating independent documentary that offers a fresh and insightful exploration of Rastafarianism, delving into its principles and beliefs in a manner...

Rice Paddy to Wheatfield – Caodaism in America’s Heartland

In the heartland of America, amidst the vast expanses of wheat fields, lies a fascinating and little-known religious movement that has its roots in...

The History of Angels

The concept of angels has been a part of human culture and mythology for thousands of years. These ethereal beings are often depicted as...
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