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Tag: christian

Christian Dilemmas

In a world where the sands of faith are ever-shifting, "Christian Dilemmas" emerges as a thought-provoking three-part series that ventures deep into the heart...

The God Who Wasn’t There

In the realm of religious inquiry, few questions have sparked as much debate and contemplation as the existence of Jesus Christ. "The God Who...

The Trials of Ted Haggard

In the realm of American evangelicalism, few figures stood as prominently as Ted Haggard. With a life seemingly blessed by prosperity, a devoted wife,...

What the Bible Got Wrong: A Flat Earth

"What The Bible Got Wrong: A Flat Earth" takes viewers on an intellectual journey into the depths of ancient Hebrew cosmology as depicted in...

What Genesis Got Wrong

"What Genesis Got Wrong" takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey through the biblical creation story of Genesis, juxtaposed against the backdrop of modern scientific...

Deconversion, Belief, and the Power of Silence

"Deconversion, Belief, And The Power Of Silence" is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the profound and often silent journey of deconversion - the...

In God We Trust?

The documentary "In God We Trust?" takes us on a thought-provoking journey through the complexities of faith, patriotism, and the contentious concept of Separation...

101 East – The Right to Pray

In the thought-provoking series "Falsifying Phylogeny," the talented YouTuber AronRa, renowned for his work on "Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism," embarks on a captivating journey...

Divine Inspiration and Biblical Inerrancy

In the realm of Christian apologetics, there exists a myriad of techniques employed to reconcile errors and problems within the biblical text, all in...

Cult of Horrors

The revelations of a secret religious cult in Australia have shocked the country, exposing a leader who abused his followers while amassing a multi-million...
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