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Tag: cults

Cult of Horrors

The revelations of a secret religious cult in Australia have shocked the country, exposing a leader who abused his followers while amassing a multi-million...

Ireland’s Secret Cults

In this eye-opening documentary, we delve into the world of Ireland's secret cults and expose the truth behind their seemingly lavish lifestyles and questionable...

Death of the Solar Temple

In 1994, a strange sect called "The Order of the Solar Temple" made headlines around the world when 53 of its members died in...

The Exclusive Brethren Cult

The Exclusive Brethren is a religious sect that has gained notoriety in recent years due to their strict code of conduct and separatist lifestyle....

God is American (Dieu est Amricain)

There are over 4,000 different religions in the world, each with its unique set of beliefs, practices, and traditions. However, few are as fascinating...
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