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Mission: Mind Control

National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 37950 / Local Identifier 170. 110 - Mission Mind Control - Department of Justice. Drug Enforcement...

Rampant INjustice

This documentary is detailing the unconstitutional, para-military, gestapo style raids occurring in America by the Justice Department and the Criminal Investigation Division of the...

Julian Assange In Conversation With John Pilger

An extended interview with Julian Assange recorded during the filming of John Pilger's latest film, "The War You Don't See," delves into the complex...

The Pueblo Incident

Oliver North recounts the "Pueblo Incident", when the USS Pueblo was attacked and captured by the North Koreans on Jan. 23, 1968.

How Money Is Made

Money makes the world go round, or so they say. But have you ever stopped to think about how money is actually made? The...
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