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Tag: dinosaurs

Walking With Dinosaurs

Watch the savage and deadly mating rituals that signaled which Diplodocus had earned the right to mate. Broadcast in 1999, Walking with Dinosaurs set...

Dinosaur Eggs and Babies

This educational DVD explores the mysteries of dinosaur reproduction. The story is told with animation and interviews with renowned dinosaur experts including Robert Bakker,...

The Mystery of the Jurassic

For ages, experts in the field of paleontology have been on a relentless pursuit to uncover the elusive evolutionary catalyst responsible for propelling the...

Australia’s First Four Billion Years: Monsters

Until recently there were very few known dinosaur fossils in Australia. But there are highways full of footprints which along with the recently found...

Jurassic Park The True Story

Documentary about the true story of jurassic park.

Day of the Asteroid

Hollywood movies have long thrilled in showing us the catastrophic aftermath of an asteroid making direct impact with our planet. As explored in the...

How To Build A Dinosaur

A fascinating new exhibit is set to grace the halls of the Los Angeles Natural History Museum, featuring the awe-inspiring presence of three T....

Planet of Fire

In the third compelling episode of the Catastrophe series, the charismatic host Tony Robbins delves even deeper into the cataclysmic events that have shaped...

Bone Diggers

"Bone Diggers" unveils a remarkable scientific expedition led by Australian researchers, resulting in the extraordinary discovery of a perfectly preserved fossil skeleton belonging to...

What Really Killed the Dinosaurs?

In the fast-paced world of science and research, new discoveries and theories are constantly being put forward to explain the mysteries of our past....
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