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Tag: eastern

The Road To The Wall

A brief summary on Comumunism, its origins with Marx, passing through two world wars which leads all the way to the Berlin Wall. Oscar...

Google Darfur

Since 2003 Militias Known As The Janjaweed, Under Orders From The Government Of Sudan, Have Killed Over 200,000 Civilians And Another 2. 5 Million...

Pig Business

Prepare to be shaken to the core as "Pig Business" thrusts audiences into the heart of an unsettling reality – the insidious corporate takeover...

Cold War – After Stalin (1953-1956)

The Cold War is one of the most significant events in world history that had a lasting impact on global politics and society. The...

Sitia Nature Park

The Sitia Nature Park is a breathtaking destination located in the far eastern part of Crete. This short documentary showcases the park's stunning geological...
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