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Tag: established

Plants for a Future

Both informative and inspiring, this video features Robert Hart in his pioneering Shropshire garden, explaining the principles and practice of forest gardening; Ken Fern...

Paradise or Oblivion

A documentary to introduce the aims and proposals of the Venus Project.

El Salvador – Killing to Belong

Sandra Jordan reports on how refugees deported back to El Salvador have established the gang culture they grew up with in the U. S.

The World’s Most Dangerous Drug

Amphetamines can be found in virtually every community from the smallest towns to the largest cities and it radiates through all walks of life...

JFK II: the Bush Connection

In the labyrinth of conspiracy theories surrounding JFK's assassination, "JFK II: The Bush Connection" emerges as a four-part documentary that daringly ventures beyond the...

N is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdös

In the realm of mathematics, few figures have left a mark as indelible as Paul Erdos. Directed by George Paul Csicsery, the biographical documentary...
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