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Legally High

"The Rise of Legal Highs: Unveiling the Underworld of Designer Drugs" takes viewers on a gripping journey into the murky world of legal substances...

Tornado Alley

In the heartland of America lies a stretch of land that has earned a notorious reputation as Nature's battleground. "Tornado Alley" takes us on...

How TV Ruined Your Life – Fear

Charlie Brooker's "How TV Ruined Your Life" is a satirical comedy series that explores the impact of television on our perceptions of the world...

Hemp War Conspiracy (Emperor of Hemp – The Jack Herer Story)

"Emperor of Hemp – The Jack Herer Story" is a thought-provoking documentary that shines a light on the anti-hemp conspiracy that has kept this...

Triple Cross – Bin Laden’s Spy in America

"Triple Cross - Bin Laden's Spy in America" is a gripping and shocking documentary that tells the true story of Ali Mohamed, an Egyptian...

The Electronic Frontier

The Electronic Frontier takes viewers on a whirlwind tour of the tech landscape in the early 1990s, before the World Wide Web had truly...

Hijacking Humanity

"Hijacking Humanity" is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that exposes the hidden systems and levers of power that govern our lives in North America....

Biomimetics : Technology imitates nature

In a world where technology and engineering have become the driving force behind so many advancements, it's important to remember that sometimes nature can...

In Search of the Trojan War – The Legend Under Siege

In the realm of historical research and exploration, it's not uncommon to come across differing interpretations and perspectives on a particular event or period....
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