In 2006, director Carla Garapedian unveiled a powerful and deeply thought-provoking documentary that would leave an indelible mark on the discourse surrounding one of...
The Fall of Mosul
In the gripping feature-length documentary, "The Fall of Mosul," the seemingly impossible tale of how 1,500 ISIS insurgents triumphed over a formidable Iraqi army...
Shingal’s Children: Banished by Daesh
In the midst of the horrors inflicted by the Takfiri terrorist group, Daesh or ISIL, lies a poignant documentary titled "Shingal's Children: Banished By...
ISIS: On the Frontline
In the shadow of violence and terror, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has emerged as a formidable force, seizing control in...
The Rise And Fall Of ISIS
The rise of ISIS in Syria and Iraq was a shocking and significant event in recent history. The group's brutal tactics and rapid territorial...
ISIS vs. Christ
In a haunting tale of unfathomable brutality, the documentary short film "ISIS vs. Christ" delves into the emotional turmoil and devastating consequences of the...
ISIS: “Islamic” Extremism?
In a world plagued by fear and uncertainty, the rise of ISIS has left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. The documentary "ISIS:...