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Tag: mayor

Witness – Return to L’Aquila – Broken Promises

In April 2009, central Italy was hit by a severe earthquake causing the destruction of the city of L'Aquila. Sixty-thousand citizens lost their homes...

The Miami Model

"The Miami Model" sheds light on a controversial crowd control technique that has become synonymous with the demonstrations surrounding the negotiations for the Free...

Natural Family Values

Are you ready to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of a community divided? Look no further than "Natural Family Values." This documentary explores...

MegaStructures – World’s Tallest Bridge (Millau Bridge)

As far as bridges go, the Millau Viaduct is a towering achievement. Standing at 343m tall at its highest pillar, it's almost a third...

Surprising Europe – The Good Life

Surprising Europe - The Good Life is a powerful documentary that delves into the struggles and hardships faced by African migrants who have travelled...
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