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Tag: medical

Medicinal Cannabis and its Impact on Human Health

In recent years, the topic of medicinal cannabis has been the subject of much debate and discussion. With the growing legalization of marijuana in...

The Origins of AIDS

Documentary about the hypothesis that HIV may have been caused by mass vaccination against Polio, in Congo, between 1957 and 1960.

The Abortion Diaries

"The Abortion Diaries" is a thought-provoking film that delves into the complexities of the abortion debate. The film follows the personal journeys of several...

Tears of Gaza

War is a brutal and destructive force that leaves a lasting impact on all those caught in its crosshairs. "Tears of Gaza" offers a...

Prescription for Disaster

In a gripping and eye-opening documentary, "Prescription For Disaster" delves deep into the intricate web of relationships that underpin the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA,...

Hungry For Change

In the age of information, where countless diets and weight loss regimens flood the market, "Hungry for Change" emerges as a refreshing and eye-opening...

Ending Endometriosis: The Search For A Cure

In the realm of medical documentaries, "Ending Endometriosis" emerges as a poignant and enlightening journey into the world of a debilitating disease that affects...

Autopsy: Emergency Room | Minutes From Death

In "Autopsy: Emergency Room | Minutes From Death," the renowned anatomist and scientist, Dr. Gunther von Hagens, embarks on a gripping exploration of the...

Fault Lines: The Top 1%

In "Fault Lines: The Top 1%," a thought-provoking and eye-opening documentary, the spotlight is directed towards the alarming economic disparity that looms over the...


In the compelling documentary "Marihuanaland," a Finnish film team embarks on an exploration of California's progressive approach to medical marijuana. With a focus on...
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