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Tag: mexico

Mexico’s Drug Cartel War

In the gripping documentary "Mexico's Drug Cartel War," journalist Katya Adler embarks on a haunting journey deep into the heart of a devastating conflict...

The Ancient Maya: Tools of Astronomy

In the heart of Central America, millennia before the advent of the Hubble telescope and cutting-edge technology, a great ancient civilization achieved astronomical feats...

Cocaine: History Between the Lines

The feature-length documentary "Cocaine: History Between the Lines" delves deep into the world of the cocaine industry, uncovering the unimaginable sums of cash and...

Mexican Narco Cinema

Strap in for a journey into the searing heart of a unique film sub-genre, Mexican Narco Cinema. This is where the world of cinema...

Mexico – The City of Lost Girls

The documentary "Mexico - The City of Lost Girls" delves into the haunting reality of Ciudad Juarez, a city plagued by a staggering number...

Cities on the Edge – Megacities

Embark on a thought-provoking journey into the heart of megacities, where the relentless pursuit of progress intertwines with inherent challenges. In this captivating exploration,...

Secret World of Fireworks

National Geographic's "Secret World of Fireworks" takes the viewer on a behind-the-scenes journey into the world of pyrotechnic showmen. Through unique access provided by...

The Bosque Village: Life off the grid

"The Bosque Village: Life Off The Grid" is a short documentary that showcases Brian Fey's efforts to build a sustainable community that follows the...

Mystery of the Maya

Nestled deep within the lush jungles of Mexico and Guatemala, and extending into the Yucatán Peninsula, lies the mysterious and awe-inspiring world of the...

Presumed Guilty

Presumed Guilty is a gripping and harrowing documentary that exposes the deeply flawed legal system in Mexico. The film follows the story of a...
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