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Tag: poor

We Feed The World

A look at how the world's food is produced and how mass production changes the environment and the lives of people.

A Cold Place to Live Outside: Homelessness in the Canadian Arctic

This film is a part of a research project being lead by Dr. Michael Young in the School of Humanitarian Studies. It documents some...

Mozambique: Life after Death

In the southeastern corner of Southern Africa, nestled between the embrace of South Africa and the allure of Tanzania, lies Mozambique—a nation that has...

Poor Kids of America

Within the borders of the United States, a distressing reality has taken hold. Child poverty, once an issue confined to the shadows, has now...

Dangerously Rich: Billionaire Super Security

In a world where the ultra-wealthy are facing unprecedented threats to their personal safety, a new industry has emerged to cater to their needs....

Mitt Romney & the 47%

In the inaugural episode of Leveraged Information, we are taken to the vibrant streets of Atlanta to hear from locals on Mitt Romney's controversial...
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