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Tag: Science

Life Before Birth: In the Womb

When does life truly begin? The stunning documentary Life before Birth doesn't approach this question primarily from a social or political perspective, but through...

How large is the Universe?

The universe has long captivated us with its immense scales of distance and time. How far does it stretch? Where does it end and...

Inhuman Kind

Technology can often be a source of tremendous benefit in our lives. Robotic technologies, in particular, hold the promise of serving many essential functions...

Miracle Cure? A Decade of the Human Genome

A decade ago, scientists announced that they had produced the first draft of the human genome, the 3. 6 billion letters of our genetic...

Science and Critical Thinking

Produced by the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, this compilation titled Science and Critical Thinking presents a series of convincing vignettes designed...


Plasticized is an intimate first-hand journey with the 5 Gyres Institute on the first scientific expedition looking at plastic waste across the South Atlantic...

Alan and Marcus Go Forth and Multiply

Ever since he was at school, actor and comedian Alan Davies has hated maths. And like many people, he is not much good at...

Living Forever

From the BBC & Discovery this series of clips looks to the future and the possibility of humans living forever. We all know that...

Birth of the Planet

In this first episode of Catastrophe series, host Tony Robinson speaks with planetary experts, archaeologists and paleontologists to understand one of our solar system's...
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