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Tag: Science

Hello, I’m A Scientist

In the digital age, where information flows rapidly through screens and speakers, there's a natural inclination to trust those who identify themselves with prestigious...

The Quest For Life

"The Quest for Life" takes audiences on a captivating journey, delving into the profound questions surrounding the origins of life on Earth and the...

Newton’s Dark Secrets

"Newton's Dark Secrets" delves into the enigmatic facets of the renowned scientist Isaac Newton that remained hidden from the world's perception for centuries. Beyond...

What is Human?

In the intricate mosaic of human history, there exists a question that has intrigued and eluded us for ages—what defines our transition from ancient...

Science of Steroids

In the realm of sports, a veil of controversy shrouds a subject that transcends competition—the pervasive use of steroids. National Geographic's documentary, "Science Of...

Phantoms in the Brain

"Phantoms in the Brain" embarks on a captivating exploration of the enigmatic human mind, unraveling its mysteries through the lens of neurological anomalies. Guided...

In the Womb

"In The Womb" is a groundbreaking documentary that offers a unique and intimate look at the incredible journey of human life from conception to...

Evolve: Venom

In the year 2008, the enthralling documentary "Evolve: Venom" invites audiences on a captivating expedition to explore the enigmatic world of venomous creatures. As...

Chemistry: A Volatile History

"Chemistry: A Volatile History" is a compelling series hosted by the renowned physicist Jim Al-Khalili. Through this enthralling documentary, viewers are taken on an...

Crash Course – Biology – Photosynthesis

In the enlightening episode titled "Photosynthesis" from Crash Course Biology, Hank takes audiences on an awe-inspiring journey into the realm of plants and their...
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