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Tag: South Africa

Blood Diamonds

Diamonds are symbols of wealth, elegance and love around the world. But in several African nations, they have been a means to power, a...

The Last Rhino

It’s a creature from a bygone age, older than mankind itself. Greed and corruption, myth and superstition, had brought the rhino to the brink...

The Lucid Dreamer

The quest to unlock the mysteries of the mind lies at the heart of the documentary The Lucid Dreamer. Following committed Buddhist and teacher...

Africa’s Cowboy Capitalists

For maverick entrepreneur Ian Cox, Africa is the last frontier of free enterprise. The former small-time hustler has been busting his ass on the...

Unearthed: The Fracking Facade

A video exposing a flawed claim often abused in the sales pitch for promoting shale gas development across the world:“With a history of 60...

Reggie Yates’s Extreme South Africa

As experts in the field of cultural studies and history, we understand the importance of gaining a deeper understanding and appreciation of the complex...

The Pack: Lions

"The Pack: Lions" takes viewers on an exhilarating journey into the heart of the South African wilderness, where a pride of lions reign supreme...

Africa’s Cowboy Capitalists

In the vast landscapes of Africa, where challenges abound and opportunities beckon, a unique breed of individuals emerges – the cowboy capitalists. These bold...

Apartheid Did Not Die

"Apartheid Did Not Die" is a powerful and thought-provoking documentary that delves into the ongoing economic injustices in South Africa, highlighting the ways in...

Nelson Mandela’s Fight for Freedom

Nelson Mandela was one of the most influential political figures of the 20th century, a man who fought tirelessly for freedom and justice in...
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