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Why Poverty?

Academy Award-winning filmmaker Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side, Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room) presents his take on the gap between...

The 10 Commandments of the Mafia

"The 10 Commandments of the Mafia" takes audiences on a riveting journey into the clandestine and treacherous world of organized crime. In 2007, a...

Into the Fire: The Hidden Victims of Austerity in Greece

In the heart of a recession-ridden Athens, a documentary of unflinching intensity emerges to shed light on a side of reality that remains shrouded...

The History of Grand Theft Auto

Prepare yourself for an immersive journey through the captivating history of one of the most iconic gaming franchises ever created. Whether you're a dedicated...

Red Light Blues

In the heart of Amsterdam lies a district that has captivated the curiosity of many and stirred debates around the world. "Red Light Blues"...

House of Numbers – Anatomy of an Epidemic (Trailer)

"House of Numbers - Anatomy of an Epidemic" is a groundbreaking documentary that challenges conventional wisdom about the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The film presents the...

FluorideGate: An American Tragedy

"Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy" is a documentary that delves into the controversy surrounding the addition of fluoride to our water supply. The film argues...

Life After Food

For centuries, humans have been gathering and preparing food in various forms, from hunting and gathering to farming and industrial food production. However, as...

Bob Dylan: Don’t Look Back

Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back is a documentary that remains a vital pop-cultural artifact even today. D.A. Pennebaker's portrait of Dylan during his 1965...

Between The Devil And The Wide Blue Sea

The world of electronic music is a constantly evolving and dynamic landscape that has captured the hearts and minds of music enthusiasts around the...
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