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Tag: vision

DPRK: The Land of Whispers

North Korea lies somewhere between a 1930s Soviet Union frozen in time and a dark, futuristic vision of society. as imagined back in the...

The Venus Project: Future By Design

The Venus Project is a vision of a new world where there is no money, countrys or wars. This documentary explains that what is...

David Bowie: Sound and Vision

Few artists have left as profound an impact on the world of music and pop culture as David Bowie. From his early days as...

Nature was my Teacher – The Vision of Viktor Schauberger

Immerse yourself in Tom Brown's captivating video documentary, "Nature Was My Teacher - The Vision of Viktor Schauberger." This thought-provoking film presents the profound...

The Universe: Death Stars

Embark on a cosmic journey as we unveil the chilling reality of "death stars" lurking in our universe. This captivating documentary goes beyond the...

Mysteries of Deep Space – Exploding Stars

"Mysteries of Deep Space – Exploding Stars" takes viewers on an enthralling journey through the vast and turbulent universe. With the help of modern...

What Darwin Didn’t Know

Few scientific ideas have had as profound an impact on our understanding of the world as Charles Darwin's theory of evolution. But while his...

Bill Gates on Energy – Innovating to Zero

Are you ready to explore the future of energy and join the conversation on how we can avoid planetary catastrophe? In a captivating TED...
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