The Amityville Horror: The Real Story


The Amityville Horror is a story that has captivated audiences for decades. On November 13th, 1974, six members of the De Feo family were brutally murdered in their home at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York. The sole survivor of the ordeal, Ronald De Feo Jr., was soon declared guilty of the murders, his motivation supposedly being that he did not get along with his father and saw the killings as retribution for the years of abuse he had suffered at his father’s hands.

But the story doesn’t end there. A few months after the De Feo murders, a newlywed couple in search of their dream home purchased the house at 112 Ocean Avenue. However, they soon discovered that their dream had turned into a nightmare. The couple claimed that the house was haunted by demonic spirits and organized for two psychics to enter the house and conduct a séance. The supposed ghosts they identified were those of Native American Indians. The piece of land where the house had been built had formerly been a place where sick and insane members of the tribe were isolated until they died. This revelation became a national story, and soon the book “The Amityville Horror” shot to the top of the bestseller list and a blockbuster movie followed.

But the next chapter in this story – one that is not commonly known – is a remarkable twist. Two paranormal investigators were not satisfied with the published version of events and began delving into the case. They eventually revealed that the hauntings were an elaborate hoax – concocted as a money-making scheme.

This revelation raises many questions about the nature of truth and the power of suggestion. It also serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of critical thinking and a healthy dose of skepticism. The Amityville Horror may have been a hoax, but the story continues to captivate audiences to this day.

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