The Bronzer


“The Bronzer” is a thought-provoking and engaging documentary that tells the story of Stue Larkin, the self-proclaimed last traveling salesman in America. The film offers a unique and intimate look into the life of this one-of-a-kind individual, who defies the stereotypes of what it means to be a salesman.

The film follows Larkin as he travels across the country, selling his unique brand of tanning lotion, “The Bronzer.” As Larkin visits small towns, big cities, and everything in between, the film offers a glimpse into the diverse communities that make up America. Along the way, Larkin shares his unique perspective on life, business, and the American Dream.

The film is directed by a master storyteller who captures Larkin’s charismatic personality and unique selling style. The film is a perfect blend of storytelling and visual artistry that makes for a truly unforgettable experience. The film is not only entertaining but also informative, it provides an in-depth look into the world of sales and the art of persuasion.

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