The Chemistry of Almost Everything


Chemistry is involved in everything and is everywhere. This series explains how some of the processes work. Professor Steven Ley from Cambridge University discusses the development of a molecule in his research lab. He describes a compound so strong that just a tablespoon full would cover an area the size of two football pitches. We find out about the oil from Neem trees in India and the medical benefits it has. A hibernating frog and how he survives the freezing temperature. How humans survive in space and what role chemistry plays in this form of survival. A slum district in Delhi that recycles equipment so it can be re-used for teaching chemistry. The relationship between chemistry, peace and war. How using chemistry can make money, especially in the pharmaceutical business. How carbon plays a central role in the chemistry of creation. Sources of Nitrates and the developments in synthesizing nitrates. How chemistry continues after death – looking at the skeleton. Dangerous free radicals and their effect on the heart.

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