The Chicago Rippers


The Chicago Rippers were a gang of 4 serial killers, Robin Gecht, Andrew Kokoraleis, his brother Thomas and Edward Spreitzer. The strange part is Robin Gecht worked for John Wayne Gacy for a period of time just before Gacy was caught and then he went on to murder 18 women in particularly brutal fashion during 1981 and 1982. They practiced Satanism and Gecht made souvenirs of breasts and other body parts that he kept in a box. They also cannibalized parts of the bodies. Gecht was never convicted of murder, only attempted murder for which he received 120 years. Spreitzer and Andrew Kokoraleis were given the death penalty and Thomas Kokoraleis life. Andrew Kokoraleis was executed in 1999. I believe he was the last man to be executed in the state of Illinois. Spreitzer’s death sentence was commuted to Life and Thomas Kokoraleis is scheduled to be released in 2017. How any state could release this guy is ridiculous. But that’s the gift the state gave him for being the first to confess to 18 brutal torture-murders and mutilations. Robin Gecht still maintains his innocence.

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