The Cuban Skateboard Crisis


“The Cuban Skateboard Crisis” is a short documentary film that delves into the difficulties faced by young skateboarders in Cuba as a result of the trade embargo imposed by the United States. Produced, directed, and filmed by Phil Brown, the film offers a unique perspective on the impact of the embargo on a community of individuals who are often overlooked in discussions of international relations.

As the film begins, we are introduced to a group of young skateboarders who are passionate about their sport but are limited by the lack of resources and equipment available to them. Brown does an excellent job of capturing the spirit of the Cuban skateboarding community, highlighting their determination and creativity in the face of adversity.

Throughout the film, we see the ways in which the trade embargo has impacted the lives of these young people. The lack of access to the latest skateboarding equipment, for example, means that they are forced to make do with whatever they can find. This leads to some truly innovative and creative solutions, such as using old car parts to build makeshift skateparks.

The trade embargo also limits the ability of Skateboarders to connect with the rest of the world. This is particularly poignant when we see young people watching videos of Skateboarders in other countries and longing to be a part of the global community of Skateboarders.

Despite these challenges, the Skateboarders in the film remain determined to continue pursuing their passion. This determination and resilience are truly inspiring and serve as a reminder of the impact that international relations can have on individuals and communities.

“The Cuban Skateboard Crisis” is a powerful and thought-provoking film that offers a unique look at the impact of the US trade embargo on the lives of young Cubans. It is a must-watch for anyone interested in international relations, human rights, and the power of sports to bring people together.

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