“The Electricity War” is a fascinating documentary that explores the intense rivalry between Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse during the War of Currents era in the late 1880s. This period marked the beginning of electric power distribution and saw Edison promoting direct current (DC) while Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla advocated for alternating current (AC). The documentary delves into the technical advantages of DC, including its ability to work well with incandescent lamps and motors, as well as its economical operation and reliability. However, with his understanding of mathematical physics, Tesla devised a system for generation, transmission, and use of AC power and partnered with Westinghouse to commercialize this system.
What makes this documentary particularly intriguing is the underlying tensions and personal animosity between Edison and Tesla. Despite working for Edison, Tesla was undervalued and cheated out of promised compensation for his work. Edison dismissed Tesla’s idea of alternating-current power transmission, even though it proved to be the superior system in the end. The documentary offers insight into the personalities and motivations of these two brilliant inventors and explores the various factors that contributed to the success of AC power distribution over DC.
Overall, “The Electricity War” is an engaging and informative documentary that offers a glimpse into a fascinating period of technological history. It sheds light on the challenges and controversies that accompanied the early days of electric power distribution and highlights the important contributions of Tesla and Westinghouse in this field.