The Girl in the Box


In 1977, a young woman named Colleen Stan was kidnapped by Cameron Hooker, a man with a twisted desire for complete control and domination. For nearly seven years, Colleen was kept in a coffin-sized box, subjected to relentless abuse and torture at the hands of her captor. Hooker, a self-proclaimed “master” in the realm of BDSM, manipulated and coerced Colleen into accepting her role as his “slave,” going so far as to force her to sign a “slave contract.”

The details of Colleen’s ordeal are both disturbing and heartbreaking. She was kept in a box, measuring only two feet wide, two and a half feet high, and seven feet long, for extended periods of time, sometimes for as long as 23 hours a day. She was physically and emotionally abused and subjected to repeated rape and other forms of sexual abuse. Hooker also sought to control every aspect of Colleen’s life, dictating what she ate, what she wore, and even what she thought.

Despite the unimaginable trauma she endured, Colleen has since been able to rebuild her life. She has written a book about her experience and has become a public speaker and advocate for survivors of kidnapping and abuse. Hooker, meanwhile, remains in prison, eligible for parole in 2023.

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