The Great Conspiracy


The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw is a 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception – a ground-breaking 44-minute video also by Barrie Zwicker. He was the first mainstream journalist in the world to go on air (in January 2002) and ask hard questions about the official story of 9/11. The Great Deception is a compilation of his series of seven commentaries on 9/11. In The Great Conspiracy, Zwicker updates and expands his critique. He analyzes the use of fear to befuddle the public. He reconstructs the so-called ?war on terrorism.? He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11 and George Bush?s highly inappropriate behavior that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission to be a total cover up operation. Throughout, he analyzes the role of the mainstream media as complicit in keeping the public massively misinformed and befuddled. And he suggests what we can do. Those who have seen both works find them complementary.

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