The Hijacked Wealth


“The Hijacked Wealth” is a thought-provoking documentary that delves into the aftermath of the Arab Spring movements in Libya and the resulting civil war that led to the ousting and death of dictator Muammar Gaddafi. The film takes a hard look at the devastating consequences of years of neglect and mismanagement under Gaddafi’s regime and the subsequent looting of the country’s assets by Western powers.

The film is a stark reminder of the importance of good governance and the role it plays in the long-term prosperity of a nation. It is a powerful call to action for the international community to take responsibility for the actions of their governments and the impact they have on other nations.

The film is shot on location in Libya, providing an intimate and visceral look at the country’s struggles and the resilience of its people. The use of reenactments, archival footage, and original music adds depth and emotion to the storytelling.

One of the film’s strengths is its focus on the human cost of the war. The film is a tribute to the 30,000 Libyans who lost their lives in the fight for freedom and a reminder of the sacrifices they made for their country.

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