“The Lost Caves of Giza” is a fascinating documentary that delves into the rediscovery of mysterious and long-forgotten caves by a British exploration team. Through solid background research and precise calculations based on stellar alignments and a forgotten archaeological diary, the team was able to locate the caves under the Giza pyramid complex.
The documentary features interviews with the exploration team members, interspersed with recreations of Henry Salt’s diary and actual film and photos of the cave system. It also covers the controversy surrounding the discovery, with Dr. Zahi Hawass initially denying the existence of the caves before taking a film crew into the system for a reality TV show.
Overall, “The Lost Caves of Giza” is a must-watch documentary for anyone interested in ancient history and archaeology. Through its expert analysis, compelling storytelling, and stunning visuals, the film offers a unique and intriguing perspective on one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of recent years.