The Man Who Walked Across the World


“The Man Who Walked Across The World” is a three-part documentary series that follows in the footsteps of 14th Century Moroccan scholar Ibn Battuta, widely considered to be one of the greatest travelers and explorers in history. The series documents Tim Mackintosh-Smith’s journey as he retraces the path of Ibn Battuta, who traveled over 75,000 miles, across 44 nations and three continents, in just 20 years.

The series is a true testament to the human spirit of adventure and discovery. It illustrates the incredible determination and resilience of Ibn Battuta, who embarked on his journey at a young age and faced numerous challenges and obstacles along the way. The series also showcases the stunning landscapes and cultures that Ibn Battuta encountered on his journey, and how his experiences shaped his understanding of the world.

One of the most compelling aspects of “The Man Who Walked Across The World” is the way it brings to life the historical context of Ibn Battuta’s journey. The series provides a detailed account of the political and social landscape of the 14th century, and how it influenced Ibn Battuta’s travels. The series also examines the impact of his journey on the historical record and how his writings continue to provide valuable insights into the history and culture of the time.

The series also does an excellent job of capturing the personal journey of Tim Mackintosh-Smith, as he retraces the path of Ibn Battuta. The series provides a unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of travel, and how the journey can change one’s perspective on the world.

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